Friday, May 29, 2020

Great Secrets On Weight Loss And Blood Sugar Reduced

Great Secrets On Weight Loss And Blood Sugar Reduced

How to lose weight and reduce Blood Sugar effortlessly drinking apple cider vinegar by Dr.Zyrowski.

If you want to excel in your health, your life and you'll be well on your way.

When you watch this video, we're gonna discuss how apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight,

but before we jump into the weight loss aspect of things, let me share with you apple cider vinegar itself.

Apple cider vinegar has been around since the time of Hippocrates and it really has amazing benefits.

It has stood the test of time simply because it has those amazing benefits and so much so that people use it today on

 a regular basis in order to help reverse conditions and feel better and lose weight and so many other things.

Now, apple cider vinegar is simply just apple juice that has been fermented into vinegar,

where all the sugars are fermented out of it and then you get this healing product.

Now personally, I like to use Bragg's brand and there are a couple reasons for it.

It is, for one, it is organic, it is not genetically modified food (GMO), we know that there are no pesticides involved,

it has not been pasteurized, it is raw, and it also contains what they call the mother

which is just simply some of the particles from the fermenting process.

Now when we look at so many people who are talking about getting amazing results using

apple cider vinegar, it's typically the Bragg's brand that they are using and it is just because

it is the original apple cider vinegar that people have used for so many years and many

of the apple cider vinegar today in stores are pasteurized and filtered

and so many other things, okay.

Now, let's go ahead and learn about why you can use it in order to learn weight loss effortlessly drinking

apple cider vinegar by visiting this link,

Currently, apple cider vinegar is not very nutrient dense but many people think that it has this great

nutrient density, that's why you feel so good from it, that's not the truth of the matter.

The truth is it is very high in something called acetic acid, and the acetic acid does

some great things for our body and first let us talk about the weight loss because I

know that is why you're here in the first place.

Now the reason that you can get weight loss when you use apple cider vinegar is because

it balances your insulin levels, it balances blood sugar levels, it increases satiety,

it decreases your appetite and it increases your metabolism function.

Now the reason that this helps you lose weight is a couple thing and the details really

matter here.

So for one basically all those things I just said really equals you eating less food, so

when you consume apple cider vinegar it makes you have less of an appetite and makes you

eat a little bit less.

Okay, so that's the major reason that you're gonna have weight loss with apple cider vinegar,

which is great by the way.

And now the other reason you're going to have weight loss with apple cider vinegar is that

its gonna help balance your blood sugar.

When you balance your blood sugar, your body is able to just function better, you're not

gonna get those big blood sugar spikes after meals and the other thing is is that when

you balance your blood sugar, a lot of other great things happen in the body.

You can relate that to adrenal issues, you can relate that to blood pressure issues and

so on and so forth.

So, scientifically apple cider vinegar has been known to help diabetics, of course, it

can also help you lose weight.

Now the other great thing that happens with apple cider vinegar is it helps balance

the ph of the body.

When you balance the ph of the body, it increases the potassium and calcium levels within the

body and it makes it more readily available to be utilized.

Now when you have an imbalanced ph, one of the things that can happen is that you have

decreased potassium levels decreased calcium levels and it can cause a lot of different

disturbances within the joints, and aches and pains and blood pressure issues,

heart arrhythmias, you name it, alright!

I believe that the reason that so many people see just absolute incredible benefits all

around apple cider vinegar is because of this ph balance thing right here.

Before we end this, we need to talk about the most important aspect of this whole video

and that strategy, okay?

Because it's not just about apple cider vinegar helping you lose weight and just drinking

it whenever, there's really a strategy behind that, and here it is.

In order to help lose weight, you should consume apple cider vinegar before meals.

Now what I like to do is take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of lemon

juice and mix that in with a cup of water and then drink that before the meal.
Then, that's when you get all these massive benefits the thing is, I will tell you that's

not a very appetizing drink to consume.
So, um, one of the things you can do is you can add some fruit juice into it, you can

add a little bit of honey into it.

Me personally, I don't like that extra sugar in there, but like I said it's not an appetizing

drink at all.

But, if it's going to be you or your kids then you may want to put that fruit juice

in, put that honey in, and just help with the flavor a little bit.

The reason I drink it before the meal is because that's when you're going to get the maximum

benefit of satiety and decrease in your appetite, consuming less food and blood sugar balance.

What you can do is drink that little elixir that I just mentioned before every meal and

then you are gonna get the benefits from it.

Now if apple cider vinegar is something that you can't just carry around to work with you

and you can't just have this apple cider vinegar beverage handy at all times, what you can

do is consume it in the morning and at night and you'll still get some of those benefits.

If you want some other great weight loss and powerful weight-loss strategies, be sure to

check out my intermittent fasting video because that is a very powerful tool that I talk about

all the time for weight loss and like I said I know that's why you're here and I know that's

something that both you and I are always looking to do is how can we keep some of that extra

fat off our body and so check out the intermittent fasting video and then also here's

the thing I want you to do is I'm very simple, you know I talked about making this elixir

and put the lemon juice and put the apple cider vinegar in with water,

but you may have a drink that I'm not aware of so if you have an apple cider vinegar elixir that

works good for you, go ahead and post in the comments section below, once again, I'm very

simple so I kinda stick to the basics but other people may like something a little bit more.

I hope you use some apple cider vinegar and it changes your health.

To learn and gather more knowledge please feel free to log in the website



To your success in achieving good health.

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